Home Erie News Plow drivers battle snow event on multiple fronts

Plow drivers battle snow event on multiple fronts

snow event
East 35th & Holland Sts., Erie, PA, Dec. 1, 2024. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

Erie City plow trucks are struggling to keep up with the massive snow event that hit the region Black Friday morning.

Jeff Gibbens of Erie Public Works told Talk Erie News that conditions are “insane”. As snow fell over the weekend sometimes at a clip of 2 inches per hour, all the city crews could do is keep the main runs and emergency routes open.

Meanwhile, the heavy accumulation has led to broken tire chains and stuck plows. Gibbens said that over 130 abandoned vehicles in the city have contributed to the pain. Public Works knows that there continue to be some streets who haven’t seen a plow yet in the city, and it’s “all hands on deck” to rectify that, during this unprecedented event, including resources from other municipalities and the emergency response from the Commonwealth.