Home Erie News Traffic interruption due to water system improvements

Traffic interruption due to water system improvements

State & Bayfront
State Street in Erie, PA, looking south toward the intersection with Bayfront Parkway. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

Expect delays on State Street between 2nd and 5th Streets

Beginning on Monday, March 10th, the two southbound lanes of State Street will be closed between Second and Third Streets for water system improvements. Work is expected to begin at 7:00 AM on Monday and southbound lanes will remain closed until further notice. Southbound traffic will be rerouted to one of the northbound lanes to allow the Erie Water Works and its contractor Chivers Construction to install new water lines in the area.

Traffic patterns will be affected and interruptions are expected on State Street between Second and Fifth Streets throughout the summer as the project progresses. This work is scheduled to be completed in July of 2025, weather permitting.

The Erie Water Works appreciates your patience while we complete these important system improvements. If you have any questions about the water main project please call EWW’s Customer Service Department at 814-870-8000 from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.