Joel Natalie
Supervisor candidates featured on
In an effort to provide Erie
County voters with information on the upcoming election, Erie News/Talk radio
station /WZTE will air interviews with the candidates...
Nearly every sector in regional economy begging for qualified workers
Wednesday we welcomed back Janet Anderson, the director of NWPA Job Connect to the Joel Natalie Show. Joel calls Janet "the hope bringer," as...
Mayor touts huge impact of LERTA
On Tuesday's program, we welcomed back Erie Mayor Joe Schember to our studio to get a general update on city issues. We talked about...
Schember says state grant for EDDC back on Council’s agenda
Two weeks after Erie City Council shelved a planned resolution to forward an application to Harrisburg for a $2.5 million grant on behalf of...
Wide range of topics covered at Global Summit
We began the week talking with the folks from the Jefferson Educational Society of Erie about the Jefferson Global Summit XI. We will be...
George Will hot ticket for Global Summit
Interest is high for the upcoming Global Summit XI, presented by the Jefferson Educational Society. This three-week series of 12 lectures will attempt to...
Borgia to bring magic back to hometown
It's was a fun Friday edition of the Joel Natalie Show, as we put the spotlight on Bobby Borgia. Bobby is an Erie native...
Book profiles Erie County Trump voters
On Thursday's program, we had a conversation with Salena Zito, co-author of The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics, her book...
Experts share tips to buy, maintain your vehicle
Wednesday's edition of the Joel Natalie Show was all about cars, trucks and SUV's. With good timing, as most brands have released their new...
PYD challenges adults to recognize good works of youth
The first full week of October was Positive Youth Development Week, and on Tuesday, we learned more about what exactly that means, and what...