TalkErie News
Erie County Executive issues temporary countywide burn ban to protect public...
In response to heightened fire risks due to current dry conditions, lack of precipitation, and strong winds, Erie County Executive Brenton Davis has enacted...
Erie County Elections FAQ
From the Erie County Election Office:
What accommodations have been made for voters who have not received their mail-in ballots so they can vote today...
Erie County Board of Elections advises voters affected by mail ballot...
Several thousand Erie County voters did not receive their mail ballots on time due to problems with an outside vendor. Following a court order,...
Kwik Fill launches “Operation Give Thanks”
United Refining Company of Pennsylvania, doing business as Kwik Fill® / Red Apple Food Marts®, has launched its third annual “Operation Give Thanks” fundraising...
Erie County Election Office updates remedies for mail-in ballots
From the Erie County Clerk Karen Chillcott:
All eligible voters who were approved for a mail ballot prior to the statutory deadline of October 29,...
Millcreek Township Fire Department hiring 15 full-time firefighters
he Millcreek Township Fire Department is accepting applications for 15 full-time firefighter positions, supported by the FEMA SAFER Grant Program. These positions will be...
Winter parking regulations take effect November 1
The City of Erie and the Erie Parking Authority would like to remind residents that Winter Parking Regulations take effect starting November 1 until...
Election office addresses mail ballot concerns
From the Erie County Clerk of Elections, Karen Chillcott:
The Erie County Board of Elections is acutely aware that many voters in Erie County have...
DCNR’s Erie Bluffs State Park inducted into national Old-Growth Forest Network
Spanning nearly 430 acres within Erie Bluffs State Park, these woodlands feature significant older growth trees along the scenic Lake Erie shoreline
Today, Pennsylvania Department...
Erie County Community College hosts free flu clinic for the community
Erie County Community College (EC3) invites the community to attend its Free Flu Clinic called “Say Boo to the Flu” on Tuesday, October 29th...