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Erie County reports 17 new positive cases of COVID-19 for cumulative total of 162

Erie County PA Executive Kathy Dahlkemper, May 20, 2020. Press conference video screen grab.

County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper today announced 17 new positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Erie County. The total cumulative cases of COVID-19 in Erie County to date is 162, with 121 recovered cases. 

One of the new cases is in their 90s; two are in their 60s; one is in their 50s; seven are in their 30s; two are in their 20s; two are in their teens; and two are under the age of 5. Fourteen of the new cases are located in Zone 1; one is located in Zone 2; and two of the new cases are located in Zone 3, which can be found on the cumulative cases map by zone at eriecountypa.gov (refresh page). Updated data can be found on the chart on the “Positive Cases in Erie County” page on eriecountypa.gov. 

Of the 162 cases, 52% are female and 48% are male. The breakdown of cases by race/ethnicity is as follows:

  • 65% White residents
  • 23% African American/Black residents
  • 10% Asian residents
  • 1% Multiracial residents

 The age breakdown of the 123 cumulative cases looks like this:

  • 4% are ages 0-4 
  • 1% are ages 5-9 
  • 5% are ages 10-18 
  • 14% are ages 19-24 
  • 40% are ages 25-49 
  • 25% are ages 50-64 
  • 11% are ages 65 and older

 “We must remember that regardless of the weather, regardless of what phase we are in, regardless of how anxious we are to get back to gathering with friends and participating in our regular activities, this virus continuously searches for its next host,” Dahlkemper said.

Dr. Howard A. Nadworny, infectious disease physician and a medical consultant at the Erie County Department of Health, joined the County Executive today via Zoom to provide insight on how the COVID-19 virus spreads, how contagious it is, and how it thrives on close contact. 

Today’s briefing can be seen in its entirety on the Erie County Department of Health’s Facebook page and the County of Erie’s Facebook page.